Lyme Disease in Rottweilers

What is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to Rottweiler through the bite of an infected tick. The disease is caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi, which is found in certain types of ticks. Lyme disease can cause a wide range of symptoms in dogs, including fever, joint pain, lameness, and even kidney failure. If left untreated, the disease can be fatal.

How do dogs get Lyme disease?

Rottweilers can get Lyme disease from a tick bite. If they are bitten by a tick that is carrying the bacteria, the tick must be attached to the dog for at least 24 hours in order for the bacteria to be transmitted. Once the bacteria enters the dog’s body, it begins to multiply and spread.

How is Lyme disease diagnosed?

Clinical signs of Lyme disease in Rottweilers can vary and may not appear for several weeks or even months after the initial infection. The most common symptom is lameness due to inflammation of the joints, although some dogs may also develop a fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, and swollen lymph nodes.

In some cases, Lyme disease can also cause kidney failure and death.

Infected tick bites are typically found on dogs’ head, neck, or legs. The bacteria can then spread through the dog’s body and cause more severe symptoms, such as kidney disease. Lyme disease can also be passed to humans through contact with the infected tick.

The clinical signs can take some time to develop because they can be similar to those of other diseases, and diagnosing Lyme disease can be difficult. Your veterinarian will likely perform a physical examination and take a complete medical history. They may also order blood tests, X-rays, or ultrasounds to help diagnose Lyme disease.

How is Lyme disease treated?

Lyme disease treatment usually involves antibiotic treatment, although some Rottweilers may require hospitalization for intravenous therapy. Treatment usually lasts for four to six weeks.

Is Lyme disease infectious?

No, Lyme disease is not infectious and cannot be spread from dog to dog or from dogs to people.

How can Lyme disease be prevented in Rottweilers?

The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to avoid areas where ticks are found. If you must go into these areas, use a tick repellent and check your dog for ticks afterward. You should also have your dog vaccinated against Lyme disease.

If you think your Rottweiler may have been exposed to Lyme disease, contact your veterinarian immediately. Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent serious health problems.

Lyme vaccination

Vaccination is available for dogs and is recommended for dogs living in areas where Lyme disease is prevalent. The vaccine is usually given as a series of two shots, given two to four weeks apart. Annual boosters are then required.

What is the prognosis for dogs with Lyme disease in Rottweilers?

The prognosis for Rotweilers with Lyme disease is generally good if the disease is caught early and treated promptly. However, some dogs may experience chronic joint pain or kidney problems even after treatment. Lyme disease can also be fatal in some cases

Untreated lyme disease in Rottweilers can lead to serious health problems that can be fatal if left untreated.

Can humans get Lyme disease from Rottweilers?

No, humans cannot get Lyme disease from dogs. The bacteria that causes the disease is only found in certain types of ticks and cannot be transmitted from dog to human.

Dog Lyme disease is the same as the human form of the disease, caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, but you have to be bitten by a tick to catch it.

How can dogs be tested for Lyme disease?

There are several different tests that can be used to diagnose Lyme disease in dogs. These include a physical examination, blood tests, and X-rays. Your veterinarian will determine which test is best for your dog based on his or her symptoms and medical history.

Where do ticks live?

Ticks are found in tall grasses and woods, as well as in areas with a lot of deer. They can also be brought into your home on your clothes or on your pet.

If you have been in an area where there are ticks, it is important to check your Rottweiler for ticks and remove them immediately. you can do this by using a pair of tweezers to grab the tick close to the skin and pull it straight out.

You should also contact your veterinarian if you think your dog may have been exposed to Lyme disease.

How do ticks get on people and Rottweilers?

Ticks usually wait on the tips of grasses and bushes until an animal or person brushes against the plant, allowing the tick to “hitchhike” onto its new host. Ticks can also drop down from trees onto passing animals or people.

What other tick-borne diseases are there?

In addition to Lyme disease, there are several other tick-borne diseases that can affect dogs. These include ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

How do I know if my Rottweiler has a tick?

Ticks are small, dark brown or black insects that attach themselves to the skin of animals and people. They are often found around the ears, head, and neck. If you find a tick on your dog, it is important to remove it immediately.

To remove a tick, use a pair of tweezers to grab the tick close to the skin and pull it straight out. Be careful not to squeeze the body of the tick, as this can cause the bacteria to be released into the dog’s body. After the tick is removed, disinfect the area and wash your hands thoroughly.

Can all ticks transmit Lyme disease?

No, not all ticks can transmit Lyme disease. The disease is caused by a specific type of bacteria that is only found in certain types of ticks.

There are several different types of ticks that can carry Lyme disease, including the deer tick, Western black-legged tick, and Rocky Mountain wood tick. These ticks are found in various parts of the United States.

The most common of these ticks is the deer tick, which is found in the northeastern and midwestern United States.

Tick prevention products

There are many tick prevention products available for dogs.

Tick collars

Tick collars are another way to prevent ticks from attaching to your dog. These collars work by releasing a small amount of insecticide that repels ticks. Tick collars are available for both dogs and cats and must be replaced every three to four months.


There are a wide variety of home treatments including topical treatments, oral medications, and shampoos. These products contain a variety of active ingredients, such as Amitraz, Fipronil, Imidacloprid, Permethrin, Pyrethrins, and S-methoprene. Some products also contain repellents that help keep ticks away from your dog.

Products containing Amitraz or Fipronil are the most effective at preventing ticks, but they must be applied more frequently than products containing other active ingredients.

Products containing Pyrethrins or Pyrethroids (synthetic versions of pyrethrins) are also effective but may be harmful to cats if they come into contact with them. For this reason, these products should only be used on dogs.

Shampoos containing Pyrethrins or Pyrethroids can be used as a spot treatment for ticks that are already on your dog. These shampoos should be left on for at least five minutes before being rinsed off.

Spot-on treatments and oral medications are usually the most convenient tick prevention products, but they can be more expensive than other products.

When using any tick prevention product, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Some products are not safe for young puppies or pregnant dogs. Other products may require a waiting period before your dog can go swimming or bathing.


Lyme disease in Rottweilers is a serious bacterial infection that can be transmitted through the bite of an infected deer tick. Left untreated, Lyme disease can cause serious health problems in dogs. However, with early diagnosis and treatment, most dogs will make a full recovery. If you suspect your dog has Lyme disease, please take him or her to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

About Dr Sara Ochoa 3 Articles
Dr. Ochoa is a practicing veterinarian in a small animal hospital and she has years of experience in the field. We've asked her to come on board with A Love of Rottweilers to bring her knowledge to the site for the benefit of our Rottie loving readers!